The offline war chest

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I am about to tell you why you have not been able to "rake it in" in your local market...and more importantly why it's not your fault! You've been duped my friend...

Yep, it's official. You've been duped. Don't feel too bad though, because they're very good at it. What I'm about to show you may shock some of you, and a lot of marketers are going to be really mad at me. "Paper Tigers" never did scare me anyway, so it's not like I'm worried about it.

Think about this scenario because it's happening right under your nose, right now! Let's pretend that you are an internet marketer, and a pretty good one. You know how to build a product, drive traffic and even set up launches with an affiliate network of even better marketers. In other words, you know how to make a sizable stack of cash on the internet when you put your mind to it.

Here's what I'm going to do toward that end. I'm going to cut the knees right out from under the theory peddlers starting right now.

This is a product package that sold for over $2,000 if you bought each product individually! (Some of it I've never offered publicly) Jeremy struggled for months and spent thousands of dollars on theory products and just couldn't get anything to work. Here's what he says about my War Chest:

That product was the first product teaching internet marketers how to start working with local businesses, and get the US Government to book you more clients than you can handle. (Do some checking, nobody...

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